Keep References to iframe and Insert them Back to DOM Without a Reflow, Repaint Inside iframe
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Keep References to iframe and Insert them Back to DOM Without a Reflow, Repaint Inside iframe

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky iframes that slow down your website’s performance? Do you find yourself struggling to optimize the rendering of iframes without causing a reflow and repaint? Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to keep references to iframe and insert them back to DOM without causing a reflow, repaint inside iframe.

Table of Contents

Understanding iframe Rendering

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how iframes are rendered in the browser. When an iframe is inserted into the DOM, the browser creates a new rendering context for the iframe’s content. This process involves:

  • Reflow: The browser recalculates the layout of the iframe and its parent elements.
  • Repaint: The browser repaints the iframe and its parent elements with the new layout.
  • Resource loading: The browser loads the iframe’s content, including images, scripts, and stylesheets.

These steps can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with large or complex iframes. To mitigate this, we’ll explore a technique to keep references to iframe and insert them back to DOM without causing a reflow and repaint.

Keeping References to iframe

To keep references to iframe, we’ll store the iframe elements in an array or object. This allows us to maintain a reference to the iframe even when it’s removed from the DOM.

const iframeReferences = [];

// Create an iframe and store a reference to it
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = '';

// Remove the iframe from the DOM

In the above example, we create an iframe and store a reference to it in the `iframeReferences` array. We then remove the iframe from the DOM using `removeChild`. Despite being removed, we still have a reference to the iframe, which we can use later to reinsert it into the DOM.

Inserting iframe Back into DOM

To insert the iframe back into the DOM without causing a reflow and repaint, we’ll use a technique called “DOM manipulation” or “DOM mutation”. This involves creating a document fragment, appending the iframe to it, and then appending the document fragment to the DOM.

const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

// Insert the iframe back into the DOM

In the above example, we create a document fragment using `document.createDocumentFragment()`. We then append the iframe reference to the fragment using `appendChild`. Finally, we append the fragment to the DOM using `appendChild` again. This approach minimizes the reflow and repaint operations, as the browser only needs to update the layout and repaint the fragment.

Optimizations and Considerations

To further optimize the performance of iframe rendering, consider the following:

  • Use lazy loading: Only load the iframe content when it’s necessary, reducing the initial load time and improving performance.
  • Optimize iframe content: Ensure the iframe content is optimized for performance, using techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and caching.
  • Avoid unnecessary reflows: Minimize DOM mutations and use batching to reduce the number of reflows and repaints.
  • Use iframe sizing wisely: Set the iframe’s dimensions carefully to avoid unnecessary reflows and repaints caused by resizing.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

When working with iframes, it’s easy to fall into common pitfalls that can affect performance. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Pitfall Solution
iframe sizes not set Set the iframe’s width and height attributes to prevent resizing and reflows.
iframe content not optimized Optimize the iframe content using techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and caching.
iframe removal causes reflow Use DOM manipulation to remove the iframe, and store a reference to it to reinsert it later.
iframe insertion causes repaint Use a document fragment to append the iframe to the DOM, reducing the number of repaints.

Real-World Examples

The technique described in this article can be applied to various scenarios, such as:

  • Embedding third-party content: Use iframes to embed content from other websites, such as videos or widgets, and optimize their rendering using the techniques described above.
  • Creating modular UI components: Use iframes to create modular UI components that can be easily inserted and removed from the DOM, reducing reflows and repaints.
  • Implementing lazy loading: Use iframes to lazy load content, such as images or scripts, and improve the overall performance of your website.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to keep references to iframe and insert them back to DOM without causing a reflow, repaint inside iframe. By using this technique, you can improve the performance of your website, reduce reflows and repaints, and provide a better user experience. Remember to optimize your iframe content, use lazy loading, and avoid common pitfalls to achieve the best results.

By following the instructions and explanations provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of iframe rendering and optimization. Happy coding!

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Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Keep references to iframe and insert them back to DOM without a reflow, repaint inside iframe”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on how to keep those iframes in check!

What’s the deal with iframes and reflow?

When you remove an iframe from the DOM, the browser has to reflow (recalculate the layout) and repaint (redraw) the page. This can be a performance killer! By keeping a reference to the iframe and inserting it back into the DOM, you can avoid this reflow and repaint.

How do I keep a reference to an iframe?

Easy peasy! When you create the iframe, store it in a variable, like `var myIframe = document.createElement(‘iframe’);`. This way, you can hold onto the iframe even when it’s not in the DOM.

Will this approach affect iframe loading?

Good question! Since the iframe is still in memory, the content won’t reload when you reinsert it into the DOM. However, if the iframe’s src attribute has changed, the new content will load when the iframe is reinserted.

Can I use this technique for multiple iframes?

Absolutely! You can keep references to as many iframes as you need and reinsert them into the DOM without reflow and repaint. Just be mindful of memory usage if you’re dealing with a large number of iframes.

Are there any browser compatibility issues?

For the most part, this approach is supported across modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. However, it’s always a good idea to test thoroughly to ensure compatibility with your target audience.

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