setTimeout in i10n.js: Does it Work if unsafe-eval is Removed from Content Security Policy?
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setTimeout in i10n.js: Does it Work if unsafe-eval is Removed from Content Security Policy?

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Are you a developer struggling to get setTimeout working in your i10n.js file after removing the unsafe-eval directive from your Content Security Policy (CSP)? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of CSP, i10n.js, and setTimeout to help you understand what’s going on and provide a solution to this common problem.

What is Content Security Policy (CSP)?

Content Security Policy is a security feature that helps protect websites from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It’s a set of rules that define which sources of content are allowed to be executed within a web page. By default, modern browsers block scripts that don’t comply with the policy, preventing malicious code from running.

Why Remove unsafe-eval from CSP?

The unsafe-eval directive allows scripts to use the eval() function, which can be a security risk. Evaluting arbitrary strings as code can lead to XSS vulnerabilities, making your website more susceptible to attacks. Removing unsafe-eval from your CSP helps mitigate this risk, but it also means that certain scripts might not work as expected.

What is i10n.js?

i10n.js is a popular JavaScript library used for internationalization (i18n) and localization (L10n) of web applications. It provides a convenient way to manage translations, dates, numbers, and other locale-dependent data. i10n.js is often used in conjunction with other libraries and frameworks to create robust and scalable applications.

How Does setTimeout Work in i10n.js?

setTimeout is a JavaScript function that schedules a function to run after a specified delay. In i10n.js, setTimeout is often used to debounce or throttle function calls, ensuring that heavy computations or network requests are not executed too frequently. This helps improve the overall performance and responsiveness of your application.

The Problem: setTimeout Fails with CSP

When you remove the unsafe-eval directive from your CSP, setTimeout might stop working in your i10n.js file. This is because setTimeout uses the eval() function under the hood, which is blocked by the stricter CSP policy.

Error Messages and Symptoms

If setTimeout is not working due to the CSP policy, you might see error messages like:

  • Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "
  • setTimeout is not defined or TypeError: setTimeout is not a function

In addition to these error messages, your application might exhibit strange behavior, such as:

  • Functions not being called or executed
  • Delayed or throttled function calls not working as expected

Solutions and Workarounds

Don’t worry; there are ways to get setTimeout working again in your i10n.js file without compromising your Content Security Policy:

1. Use a CSP-Compliant setTimeout Alternative

One solution is to use a CSP-compliant setTimeout alternative that doesn’t rely on eval(). You can create a custom setTimeout function that uses the Function() constructor to create a new function:

function safeSetTimeout(func, delay) {
  return setTimeout(Function(func, ""), delay);

This custom function creates a new function using the Function() constructor, which is allowed by the CSP policy. You can then use this function in place of the native setTimeout.

2. Wrap setTimeout in a Safe Function

Another approach is to wrap the native setTimeout function in a safe function that uses a CSP-compliant mechanism to execute the delayed function:

function safeSetTimeout(func, delay) {
  const wrapper = function() {
    return func.apply(this, arguments);
  return setTimeout(wrapper, delay);

This wrapper function creates a new function that applies the original function with the correct context and arguments, allowing it to work within the CSP policy.

3. Use a Library that Supports CSP

If you’re using a library that relies on setTimeout, you can try using a fork or an alternative library that specifically supports CSP. For example, some libraries like react-intl provide built-in support for CSP.

4. Review and Refactor Your Code

In some cases, you might be using setTimeout unnecessarily or inefficiently. Take this opportunity to review your code and refactor it to use more efficient and CSP-compliant methods. This might involve using alternative libraries or approaches that don’t rely on setTimeout.

Best Practices and Conclusion

When working with Content Security Policy and i10n.js, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure the security and performance of your application:

  1. Use a strict CSP policy that blocks unsafe-eval and other risky directives.
  2. Avoid using eval() and other potentially dangerous functions.
  3. Use CSP-compliant libraries and frameworks that support Content Security Policy.
  4. Review and refactor your code regularly to ensure it’s efficient and secure.
  5. Test your application thoroughly to identify and fix any CSP-related issues.

In conclusion, removing the unsafe-eval directive from your Content Security Policy can cause setTimeout to fail in your i10n.js file. However, by using one of the solutions or workarounds mentioned above, you can get setTimeout working again while maintaining a robust and secure CSP policy.

Solution Description
Custom setTimeout Alternative Uses Function() constructor to create a new function
Wrap setTimeout in a Safe Function Wraps setTimeout in a safe function that uses a CSP-compliant mechanism
Use a Library that Supports CSP Use a library that provides built-in support for Content Security Policy
Review and Refactor Your Code Refactor your code to use more efficient and CSP-compliant methods

Remember, security and performance should always be at the forefront of your development process. By following best practices and using the right tools and techniques, you can create a robust, scalable, and secure application that meets the demands of your users.

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “setTimeout in i10n.js work if unsafe-eval removed from Content Security Policy”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on setTimeout in i10n.js and its compatibility with Content Security Policy!

Will setTimeout in i10n.js still work if I remove unsafe-eval from my Content Security Policy?

The short answer is yes, setTimeout will continue to work even without unsafe-eval in your Content Security Policy. setTimeout is a native JavaScript function that doesn’t rely on eval, so it’s not affected by this policy change.

What is the purpose of the Content Security Policy, and how does it relate to setTimeout?

The Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security feature that helps prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by defining which sources of content are allowed to be executed within a web page. setTimeout, being a native JavaScript function, is not affected by CSP. However, if you’re using setTimeout in conjunction with eval or other functions that rely on dynamic code evaluation, then removing unsafe-eval from your CSP might break those specific use cases.

Are there any alternative ways to achieve setTimeout-like functionality without relying on eval?

Yes, there are alternative ways to achieve setTimeout-like functionality without relying on eval. For example, you can use the requestAnimationFrame function, or create a custom solution using Web Workers or Web APIs. These alternatives might not provide the exact same functionality, but they can offer similar results while maintaining a safer, eval-free environment.

How does i10n.js use setTimeout, and could this usage be affected by removing unsafe-eval from the CSP?

i10n.js uses setTimeout to implement its asynchronous functionality, such as language switching and formatting. Since setTimeout itself is not affected by the removal of unsafe-eval, i10n.js should continue to work as expected. However, if your specific implementation of i10n.js relies on eval or other dynamic code evaluation, you might need to refactor your code to ensure compatibility with the updated CSP.

What are the benefits of removing unsafe-eval from my Content Security Policy, and are there any potential drawbacks?

Removing unsafe-eval from your Content Security Policy can significantly improve the security of your web application by preventing XSS attacks that rely on eval. However, this change might break some legacy code or third-party libraries that rely on eval. It’s essential to carefully review your code and dependencies before making this change to ensure a smooth transition.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!